Big Noise...From Planet Earth
Big Noise...From Planet Earth
Bassist Darren Solomon- 5.16.21
I don’t need no stinkin’ bass…
In the late 90s I toured with jazz harp guru, Park Stickney, and the bassist was the phenomenally talented Darren Solomon. Darren, who a decade earlier had a running start at age 19 touring with Ray Charles, Barry Manilow, and Olivia Newton-John, had by then already been morphing his career into being a studio composer for commercials and film, mastering a variety of other instruments. After losing touch for 20 years, we reconnected, and I discovered he was a fan of my little podcast. Another no-brainer- he must be a guest! He not only graciously agreed, but proceeded to push and tear up the envelope by recording our duets using piano, synths (including the classic Prophet Six), banjo, and even a little bass. He has amazing things to say about a composer’s sonic palette, and considerations for what effects it has on our collective human consciousness. That, and his audition for Ray.